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Intro to Optimizers

Optimizers allow your model to learn learnable parameters, like weights and biases. You can create a custom Optimizer or you can extend an already created Optimizer or you can use premade optimizers.

Note: You can also import optimizers using their alias


import toynn from 'toynn';
const myOptimizer = new toynn.optimizers.GD({ momentum: 0.9 }); // GD is alias for GradientDescent
myOptimizer.alpha = 0.001;

Premade Optimizers

Following are the optimizers that toynn comes packed with:


Alias: GD


import toynn from 'toynn';
const myOptimizer = new toynn.optimizers.GD({ momentum: 0.9 }); // GD is alias for GradientDescent
myOptimizer.alpha = 0.001;

You can set the alpha property as it is public. Alpha defines the learning rate of your model, or in other words, it defines how much should your weights and biases be adjusted.

It is recommended to set a lower alpha value.

Note: All other optimizers are extended from Gradient Descent Optimizer


Signature: process(x: Array, y: Array): { x: Array; y: Array; }

This is called by the train function before each epoch. The main objective of this function is to let the optimizer arrange data as per its requirement.

Signature: optimize({ x, y, layers }: {NArray, NArray, Array})

This function is called by train for optimizing parameters. X and Y passed are single items from the Array.



Returns list of steps used to optimize


Alias: SGD

This optimizer is extended from GradientDescent optimizer.

This works similarly to GD Optimizer the only difference being that every epoch dataset is shuffled randomly before optimization.


This optimizer is extended from GradientDescent optimizer.

This works similarly to GD Optimizer the only difference being that the rate of change is changed based on gradient and history of layer.

Custom Optimizer

You can extend the Optimizer class to create a custom optimizer.

GradientDescent optimizer extends this class.

class GradientDescent extends Optimizer {
* References:
* -,
* -,
* -
protected momentum: number;
protected weightsHistory: Array<NArray> = [];
protected biasHistory: Array<NArray> = [];
protected EPSILON: number = Number.EPSILON;
constructor(options: GradientDescentInput = { momentum: 0.9 }) {
// initialization logic
x: any[] | Dataset | DatasetSlice,
y: any[] | Dataset | DatasetSlice
): OptimizerProcessReturn {
// process logic
optimize({ x, y, layers }: OptimizerInput): void {
// optimize logic
public get steps() {
// steps logic


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