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Intro to Layers

Layer is encapsulation of a single layer in a neural network

Creating a layer

Layer’s constructor takes an input and output size.

import toynn from 'toynn';
const myLayer = new toynn.Layer(4, 5); // inputSize: 4, outputSize: 5



Signature: forward(x: NArray): NArray

Forward your layer single step. You can use this function to make predictions


Signature: use(obj:ActivationFunction)

You can use it to set which activation function should be used by the Layer while forwarding.



You can use this property to get or set weights. If you are setting weights make sure you are passing NArray object.

import toynn from 'toynn';
const myWeights = toynn.NArray.arange(500).reshape(50, 10);
const myWeightsArray = myWeights.real; // this is now an Array
const myLayer = new toynn.Layer(50, 10);
myLayer.weights = myWeights; // ✔
myLayer.weights = myWeightsArray; // ❌

Note: Make sure that new weights are NArray and their shape matches your Layer’s inputSize and outputSize. If layer is of shape (50,10), where inputSize = 50 and outputSize = 10, then weights should be of shape (50,10)


You can use this property to get or set bias. If you are setting weights make sure you are passing NArray object.

import toynn from 'toynn';
const myBias = toynn.NArray.arange(10).reshape(1, 10);
const myBiasArray = myBias.real; // this is now an Array
const myLayer = new toynn.Layer(50, 10);
myLayer.bias = myBias; // ✔
myLayer.bias = myBiasArray; // ❌

Note: Make sure that new bias shape matches your Layer’s outputSize. If layer is of shape (50,10), where inputSize = 50 and outputSize = 10, then bias should be of shape (1,10)


Use it to set activation function for your layer.

use() can be used to perform the same functionality as well.


Returns shape of the Layer as array


You can use it to name your layers

import toynn from 'toynn';
const myLayer = new toynn.Layer(50, 10); = 'myLayer';
console.log(; // myLayer


Some of the functionality is implemented using the awesome resources from the internet.