Dataset Methods
Dataset comes with methods which allows you to manipulate your data.
Signature: get(index: number): NArray
Returns row as NArray for the specified index.
You can use negative indexing here.
Signature: slice(...selection: Array[]): Dataset
Use this to slice a Dataset vertically(column-wise).
Use this property to get the number of rows in your Dataset.
import toynn from 'toynn';
const obj = [new toynn.NArray([1, 2, 3, 4])];
const myDataset = new toynn.Dataset(obj);console.log(myDataset.length); // => 1
Signature: toArray(): NArray[]
Converts Dataset to Array of NArrays
Signature: onGet(element: NArray): NArray
Overwrite this function to add custom logic to process single row.
Make sure that your function is following the Signature
while overwritting it.